Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Letter to All Women

Forewarning: This is a long post. If you make it to the end, five points for you!

For the last several weeks, I think that God has been speaking to me about women. Feminism. It’s a scary word in our world today. It either ignites a frenzy of bra-burning, men-hating women across the globe or it sets off women who call themselves anti-feminists that argue that women should be ladies and stay at home so men can display their inner chivalry.

Either way it’s a word with loaded, negative connotation, but through prayer I’m coming to see true, bible-defined feminism as a beautiful, Godly thing. If you had asked me two or three years ago what my views on feminism were, I would have defined them as eerily similar to the conservative women above and fled from the more liberal-minded opinions. In time however, I have come to see the pros and cons of both sides and find myself {I believe} somewhere in the middle of the two.

Anyway, while I might go more in depth into my specific opinions some other day, today I want to share with you a prayer I wrote down the other day. Like I said, God has been speaking to me about women lately, and whether it’s because he’s just helping me grow or he has some greater purpose I don’t know right now. But I was doing a devotion and journaling in my notebook, and I decided that it’s about time I write this prayer that’s been stuck in my head for weeks. It’s a letter to women everywhere and I have typed it up so that you can read it, too. This letter just begins to tap into my opinions on true feminism and my heart for the women in this world, but it’s a start. I hope this letter brings you peace and joy, and a little bit of happiness today!

Without further ado:

Lovely Lady,

                You don’t know me and you probably never will but as I have been praying lately and living daily YOU have been on my mind. Coming from another woman who has most likely experienced many of the same insecurities you have faced, felt the expectations of an ever-growing feminist (but still ruled by men world) and lived through my share of feelings of heartache and doubt and guilt, I merely want to say one thing: You are worthwhile.

                You are worth so much! Your kindness, generosity, caring-heart, beauty and all-around loveliness shines through you every day. You were destined to live a full life of meaning and purpose and I hope you find it here on Earth!

                Throughout your life you will be bombarded with lies that degrade you by telling you that you are not strong enough, smart enough, quick enough, pretty enough, wise enough. Fill in the blank, but the message remains: you are not satisfactory. But I don’t buy what this society is trying to tell us and I pray that you don’t either!

                You are a gift and a blessing. You deserve respect, kind words and a bright future. You are strong. You are smart. You are independent. Every day you are bombarded with images that make you feel inadequate. Your feelings are real. There is no question in that, but please, please remember that your “inadequacies” are undeniably false! You are so worth time and effort and beauty.

                To all the ladies who are climbing the social ladder. Oftentimes you will be told you can never make it to the top because women are weak, are feminine, are sensitive. You are told a woman can’t do a man’s job. But this is absolutely false. Being feminine is a beautiful thing. Some womena re born more sensitive than their male counterparts. Some women aren’t. You do not need to be defined by an incorrect social stereotype.

                To my married ladies. Always remember that while your man may be a hugely influential part of your life {and a wonderful aspect at that}, he can never define you. Submission, although a very Godly way to live, does not, under any circumstances equal weakness. You are strong and independent and if you choose to have a man in your life, I pray you are blessed in his company and he in yours and that through that relationship you both grow.

                To my single ladies waiting for someday. You are more beautiful than you could ever know, but I hope you can get a little glimpse in your lifetime. You are worth respect and honor. Never forget that. You have the ability to work hard with your strength and strong mind. You have a kind heart. Be generous with your love and praise and always radiate the joy of a God who absolutely adores you.

                To all of the above and everyone else. Always remember that your life is worth the price of the God of the Universe. Always remember that because of the love that he has shown you, you have the responsibility to make a difference is this dying world. Reveal a soft, loving heart that discerns, and tough, undeniable strength built and displayed with love. Always remember that your strength comes from Christ in you, not from those around you and so there is never any excuse to cut someone down, man or woman. The person next to you was created in His image also.

With all the love and prosperity a prayer can muster,

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