Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Lifestyle Blog

This isn’t my first blog.
This isn’t even my second blog.
This is my third blog.
My. Third. Blog.

Unfortunately for anyone interested, my poorly written high school attempts at a cooking blog, and another blog about exercising failed (and were consequently forever removed from the internet). I wonder why? Perhaps it was because I completely forgot about them, posting on each twice before giving up and running off to some other activity.

But this blog is different.

Trust me. This one is killer. Get this, it’s going to be…a lifestyle blog! Crazy idea, right? I mean, people can come to this site and read about the mad ramblings that have occurred in my mind or the awkward situations I find myself in throughout the day! Sounds great, right? We’ll see…

So if you happen to like to cook, or read, or study, or if you happen to be a freshman in college pursuing your degree in English Education, or if you just find yourself in so many awkward situations throughout the day that you don’t know what to do, chances are we have a thing or two in common. Come on over, read a little bit about what’s going on in my mind today. You might get a kick out of it.

What’s your story?

When people ask me to give my testimony, I inevitably start the same first sentence every time: So I accepted Christ into my heart when I was eleven. One night I was reading my bible when I found a prayer written into the beginning of the book that utterly confused me. So I pitter-pattered upstairs in my pajamas and demanded my parents explain to me what on earth a “prayer of acceptance” was.

Then I accepted Christ and everything was smooth sailing from there.

Wait. What?

Sorry, I think let my sarcasm escape!

If anything, I think life has been even more of a daily struggle since I’ve become a Christian. You know those lessons that God teaches us? Those daily revelations? Sometimes I find those absolutely irritating! Ugh. Growing as a person is so annoying. But at some point, you just have to accept it, live through it, and hopefully you will eventually find the beauty in it, the mercy in it, the meaning of it. Hopefully. But even if you can’t, I’ve found that you can rely and trust the sovereign God of the Universe who never fails.

People ask why I am a Christian and that’s one of my answers. Because even through those sucky, mind-bending, heart-breaking challenges I know I can depend on a God who always has my back!

So What’s Your Plan?

My plan with this blog is to watch where it goes and follow along. I don’t want to limit myself to one subject or strictly Christian-themed posts because 1) it’s boring and 2) I have so much more to say and learn and question than that. Don’t hold me back! I live under an umbrella of freedom!

Sometimes I cook and have really good recipes I feel compelled to share. Sometimes God has given me a revelation that I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I have comments on articles I have read that I feel compelled to share. Lately, one of my passions has been balancing womanly feminism in a crazy world. But that is bound to change with the next whim that happens to blow through my dorm-room door.

I love to learn, and so when I learn new things, I’d love to share them with you, too! We are given this beautiful life, and some people waste it away within their comfort zone because they are afraid of exploration and questioning. I pray that I am unafraid to learn and grow and question and find truth! I hope that when you read my blogs you feel intrigued or challenged or at the very least are left pondering new ideas! And I fervently pray that you never grow tired of questioning!

With love,

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